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Lizard Pal
Izod, Jr... The Hot-Footed Lizard
Izod Gallery
How Izod became part of the madness...

Pugly created Izod, the hot-footed desert lizard ... Normally, the desert lizard has a hood that flares out when alarmed or in danger ... However, Izod's hood flares only when he's TRYING to be inconspicuous and divert attention from himself ... Izod's an icon of overblown self esteem with willful abandonment of consequences which often lands him smack dab in the MIDDLE of trouble and controversy ...

Izod's sole purpose in life is to put all FOUR feet in his mouth at once and still come out a winner ... Sadly enough, he can't quite get it right!!!!

To further compound Izod's personality flaws and annoyances, he's developed a fasination for female meerkats and wishes to be their friend ... Additional problems result from the fact that Izod's at that akward lizard age where he kinda likes the meerkats, but doesn't really know WHY he's attracted to them ...

All things considered, the meerkats and Izod are best pals and would go to any length to protect each other from real harm ... The exact definition of real harm has yet to be decided ...

The three critters try to stay one step ahead of the other in terms of reaching any kind of agreement on friendship and they haven't ruled out the possibility, there might be room enough for each of them on the Internet ...

Smilin' Izod
Izod's Thought for the Day:
Bury your head in a dream, rather than in the sand...
Dreams provide hope, encouragement, refreshing the weary spirit...
Lift your head to the clouds, and feel the rhythm of the sand.
-quote from Izod Tales 101

Memorable Moments in Izod's Tragic Childhood:
My Mother Cooks Me Chicken,
Sometimes It Makes Me Cough,
My Only Wish Is...
She Would Take The Feathers Off!!!!
(Author Unknown)

Most Recent Name Given to Izod by the Meerkat Twins:
Sir-friggin'-hot-pinked-toe-nailed-excuse-of-a-shirt-pocket-logo-patch-lizard-Izod, Jr.

Izod Loses Brugly's Fabled Antique Fainting Couch
After Bad Bluff During Vegas Poker Game:
Upon returning the couch to Brugly,
Izod offered her chocolate and a song ...

Izod Tries to Make Amends

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