Lexington, Kentucky
S I T E   C O N C E P T   I N I T I A T I V E S


P R I C I N G   /   S E R V I C E S
Basic Website including a home page and 3-4 topic pages with client supplied text content and usually client supplied graphics ... $350.00. *

 Additional pages are $25.00 per page when based on same site format.

* Special requirements and/or demands may include additional charges.
* Photo Galleries are priced separately according to the number of photos.

T O T A L   P A C K A G E
One time initial design fee based on home page and 3-4 topic pages includes three months of basic updates.  Additional pages are $25.00 per page based on same site format. *

A F T E R   F I R S T   T H R E E   M O N T H S
I'll assist with minor/basic site updates for $20.00 / month.  Major site overhauls or more extensive updates requiring extensive changes in the site would be priced accordingly based on time and difficulty.

W H A T   Y O U ' R E   P U R C H A S I N G
An original Website design and a basic logo (if required).
I'll also assist with setting up a domain name and Webspace if needed.


Website Design by Mark McKinley
Logos & Photos (C) 1999-2022 Mark's Online Graphics Site