Mark's Online Music Source
L E X I N G T O N ,   K Y   U S A

About:  Featured artists go through a rigorous selection process using an advanced method of complex analysis that utilizes [soft]ware commonly referred to as the human brain.  Artist selection and review is accomplished by myself, a person that doesn't read music, doesn't play a musical instrument, and my wife tells me I have no sense of rhythm, either.  To make matters even worse, this dude doesn't hold a degree in ANYTHING... much less a music degree!

Closer to the point:  The music resource section of mogswebsite showcases musicians and singers that have inspired me through the years.  Music that has touched the listener.  I've had the good fortune to meet and hear many of the artists featured on the website.  Pure and simple, Mark's Online Music Source is an eclectic listing of notable artists organized by a music enthusiast that appreciates good music.  Selective promotion of regional, national, and world musicians/singers, designed to serve as an introduction to newer artists, and as a reminder of established artists.

Cliff Note version:  Browse the listings in each featured genre of music at your leisure.  Perhaps you'll notice an artist that you're unfamiliar with, or stumble across an artist you haven't thought about in awhile-- visit their official Websites and learn more about them and their music.  Enjoy!

Mark's Online Music Source
Mark's Online Music Source (c) 1999-2022 Mark D McKinley