The Arts Series
Conversations with an Artistic Edge
The exploration of art is quite challenging yet very rewarding - art is a form of expression with a goal to stimulate the senses. I've often pondered the many ways an artistic concept can form a unique connection between artist and observer through the use of sight and sound. Art encompasses many forms including the bending and welding of metal, inspired brushstrokes, the deviation of light sources, spontaneous music notation or an engineer's skills in the studio.
An artist ultimately expresses a thought that's designed to connect their work and the spectator via sensory means. During the next few years this series will feature people from various artistic careers sharing their thoughts and experiences through an interview format of conversation. I think you'll find this series inspiring and informative - perhaps even enlightening. Check back every few months for new additions to this Website.
- Mark D McKinley, a.k.a. MOGS
The Performing Arts & Visual Arts
![]() The Interviews...
Act Of Congress - Acoustic quartet
Elvin Bishop - Guitarist/Singer
Ronnie Baker Brooks - Bluesman
Andre Bush - Jazz Guitarist
Alexis Cole - Jazz Vocalist/Musician/Composer
Don Conoscenti - Musician/Singer
Shemekia Copeland - Blues Singer
Brigitte DeMeyer - Singer/Songwriter
Enid Farber - Photo Journalist
Damon Farmer - Artist/Sculptor
Kevin Johnson - Recording Engineer
Anthony May - Copper Artist
Michael McKinley - Artist/Painter
Grover Mollineaux - Songwriter/Luthier
Nick Evans Mowery - Musician
Jacqui Naylor - Jazz Vocalist
Adam Nussbaum - Drummer
Chris Pelletiere - Artist/Painter
Roy Rogers - Slide Guitar Master
Pete Sklaroff - UK Guitarist
Sabrina Underwood - Artist
Rachel Z - Jazz-Rock Pianist/Composer
Website Design by Mark McKinley
Logos & Design (C) 1999-2016
*Ac'ro-nym' (-nim') n.
M a r k ' s O n l i n e G r a p h i c s S i t e
![]() Folksinger Michael Johnathon's
WoodSongs Old-Time Radio Hour
if you have a comment about an interview
Ritchie Havens
![]() Folksinger Michael Johnathon's
WoodSongs Old-Time Radio Hour